Friday, January 14, 2011

Laundry Room

So our laundry room had a start in the right direction...I don't have too many before pics to share with you for that reason.

Here is the only before I have...

Here is behind the door...don't worry the toxic Swiffer is only hanging there until trash day...

Here is our message center...LOVE!!

This is the new shelf I added, now my hangers are right where I need them...I am loving all the blue at Target right now!

And my favorite part! The green frame holds Real Simple Magazines illustrations and instructions on how to clean your laundry room in 15 minutes...

This post is being linked to A bowl full of lemons.


  1. I loving all the blue at Target too! I just picked up a blue rug tonight for my laundry area. I'm SO lovin' the message center board thingy too. NEED ONE! Looks great! Awesome job!

    Jennie {Cinnaberry Suite}

  2. looks great! love your message center!!
