Thursday, April 28, 2011

Time for Some New Systems

On Tuesday of this week, I had one of those days. The kind that started at 3 AM with a sick kiddo, the kind that found some sort of ants on steroids looking bugs infesting the playroom, a broken glass, and a bad report from the veterinarian. It was the kind of day that left me feeling very out of control.

So I decided that I would do something to feel like I gained that control back - set up some organized systems for our lives (focusing especially on's right around the corner!). So starting next week I will be sharing what I learned and came up with. Here is the plan:

Monday- Our completed command center
Tuesday- Our summer essentials basket
Wednesday- Stocking a natural first aid kit
Thursday- Organizing the car part 1
Friday- Organizing the car part 2 (packing for a road trip)

Here is a little preview of a new tool I have that has made a huge difference:


I hope you'll join me next week as we get organized for summer!

Anyone else have a way to deal when they feel out of control? I'd love to hear about it!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

31 Days to Clean

Have you heard about this fabulous new e-book? 31 Days to Clean offers a month of challenges to turn your home into a haven and focus on your heart as well! I am a huge fan of both ideas and love that I will be able to follow along with specific steps to turn my home into a haven for my family.

To learn more about this awesome resource visit 31 Days to Clean


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kreativ Blogger Award!

Thanks to Samantha from I Love Organising for the Kreativ Blogger Award! Here are ten facts about me:

1.) I love being a wife and mommy!
2.) I sell an amazing all-natural line of products called Norwex, I love them.
3.) We have two dogs - Bo and Stella.
4.) Putting laundry away is my least favorite chore.
5.) Cleaning the kitchen is my favorite chore!
6.) I love diet coke!
7.) I spend too much time reading blogs some times hahaha.
8.) Target is one of my favorite places.
9.) Organizing makes me very happy!
10.) I am going to start posting on my blog more regularly!

Thanks again to Sam for the award - check out her site, it's great!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kitchen Spring Cleaning...Lots of Pictures!

This week is the Heart and Home Challenge over at Our Simple Country Life. Day 1's Assignment was the kitchen. I decided it was time to tackle two projects I had been putting off...under the oven and under the refrigerator!

Here is the oven drawer BEFORE...

And AFTER...

Under the oven BEFORE...(how did all that stuff get there...a shelf?!?!)

And AFTER...

Under the refrigerator...(well, all the stuff that came out from underneath...)

Kitchen sink BEFORE...

Kitchen sink AFTER...(the Crate and Barrel vase was my present to myself for finishing these projects! You can find it HERE)


AFTER...a well-stocked coffee station!



Here is my refrigerator...medicine is stored on top in Dollar Tree baskets, and a homemade dry erase board is below.

And on the side, a dry erase schedule board for my daughter (13 months.)

Here is my kitchen command center (has my homemaking binder, my recipe binder, meal planning supplies, post-its, and pens) along with my Scentsy warmer...right now my kitchen smells heavenly...LOVE it!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Outdoor Fun!

Hi everyone!

The past few days we have been having beautiful weather, so I decided to start setting up an outdoor area for us to spend time in. We have an enclosed patio that we have really only been using for grilling. I cleaned it up and was left with this:

The bare bones for something fun I think! The first thing I did was to set up a water play area for Molly. She loves it!

This is a $5.99 tub from Target filled with kitchen tools from the Dollar Tree (a set of measuring cups and spoons, a ladle, a watering can, a strainer, and sponges - 10 for $1!) Stay tuned for more springtime fun!


Monday, February 28, 2011

Time Management

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! We had a blast making fun of the Oscars - some good moments but not my favorite ever.

Today I thought I would share with you a new technique I have been trying for planning out my days. This has been floating around the blogosphere in different forms and this is my take on it!

Step 1:

Write down the major things to be done in your day. For today mine looks like this:

Morning Routine
Computer Work
Norwex Work (more about this later!)
Molly Playtime
Tot School
Molly Outdoor Time
Teach at Dance Studio
Molly Dentist
Meal Plan
Evening Routine

Step 2:
Assign a time value to each task.

Morning Routine - 30
Computer Work - 60
Norwex Work (more about this later!) - 30
Molly Playtime - 60
Tot School - 30
Molly Outdoor Time - 60
Teach at Dance Studio - 180
Molly Dentist - 90
Weekly Cleaning Task - 30
Meal Plan - 30
Evening Routine - 30

My total time here adds up to 10.5 hours.

Step 3:
Now that you have done this for one particular day, you can make a more generalized daily format.

Morning Routine - 30
Computer Work - 60
Norwex Work (more about this later!) - 30
Molly Playtime - 60
Tot School - 30
Molly Outdoor Time - 60
Time Outside the Home - 180
(For me this includes: teaching at dance studio, doing Norwex parties, taking yoga, etc...)
Errands - 90
Household Management - 60
(This includes all household bills, budgeting, meal planning, deep cleaning, organizing)
Evening Routine - 30

One of the things I enjoy about this way of scheduling is that it gives me structure without a schedule!

How do you manage your daily tasks?


Friday, February 25, 2011

It's a Rainy Day!

It is cold and rainy outside so we are cozy and hunkered down in the playroom.

I have had some time to shop online and found the most awesome iPhone case!

All of their designs are so unique and so functional!!

Get one of your own HERE.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Organizing an Event: The Binder

When organizing an event, there are lots of details! And to keep track of all of those details you are going to need a place to keep them - the ever-helpful binder!

For this project, I am using a 1 inch binder with 8 category tabs:

1.) Guest list and RSVP

This is fairly self-explanatory. I create a spreadsheet with guests, number in their family, date invitation sent, and RSVP.

2.) Station and Supply List

I like to organize my parties into stations. I create a list of all the stations and all the supplies I will need for each one. I try to be as detailed as possible with this list - include tables, chairs, linens, cutlery, paper goods, etc.

3.) Food and Recipes

Here is where I create food shopping lists broken down by store (usually Costco, grocery store, and specialty store). I print or copy and recipes I will use and place them here.

4.) Party Inspiration

This is wear I place magazine clippings or blog posts that have inspired any part of this event. It really helps to have them close by through the planning process.

5.) DIY Projects and Tutorials

Anything I will be making goes in this section. Instructions and pictures too please!

6.) Orders and Receipts

I keep a party budget tracker, order confirmations, and receipts in this section. If you are working with any vendors - make sure you place all contracts here as well.

7.) Decor

This is where I create a party layout. Knowing where things are going to be in advance is a great time saver and stress reliever the day of your event!

8.) Checklists and To-Dos

This is where I keep track of all tasks relating to the party. If your party is going to be somewhere other than your home, be sure to include a checklist of what needs to be transported to the event.

Depending on your event's size and theme you may need more or less tabs. This may seem like a detailed system but I promise it will be worth it!

Here are the colors for Molly's first birthday extravaganza!


Organizing An Event

Happy Wednesday! I have lots of projects to catch you up on...the garage, the Crazy Sexy Cleanse (can you say intense!) but I am going to start a new series today - Organizing an Event. The event I am organizing right now is my daughter's first birthday, but this system will work for a dinner party or a large wedding!

The first event I planned was my junior prom, some years ago. I have planning and organizing events ever since and honing a system that works for me! I hope you will follow along with me as we organize and plan an event!

To get started you will need a few basic supplies:

A three-ring binder
Page dividers

Here is my cover!

Tomorrow I will show you how I set up my binder!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Organizing Your Health - Part 1

Hi everyone! Long time no talk. Things have been rather crazy around here. I have been dealing with some health issues that have creeped up on me lately. When I was pregnant with my daughter - I was diagnosed as hypothyroid. After I delivered, I was feeling awful all the time. Conventional medicine wasn't helping so I sought the help of a naturopathic physician - the best decision I have ever made. Turns out that I wasn't hypothyroid - I actually have autoimmune thyroid disorder, which means my body is attacking my thyroid constantly and I switch between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid. I had this under control for awhile but over the holidays I let my health slide. I was forced to take some time to evaluate things and here I am getting back on track!

It seems like all over the blogosphere I have read posts about the book, "Crazy Sexy Diet." After all the reviews, I decided to use a Barnes and Noble gift card and purchase it! So here I am, in addition to working with my naturopath, about to start her 21-day cleanse! To stay on track, I have created a daily docket to help me along! If any of you are interested here it is:

I would also be more than happy to e-mail it to you as a word document! I just ask that you please become a follower! Thanks!!

I will continue offering organizational tips along my health journey! Any you can share?

This post is being linked to: Weekend Wrapup

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Garage Before Pictures

Here are my garage before pictures...I am hoping to get a good chunk of work done on it today so I can share some progress pictures tomorrow!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Garage Inspiration

I have decided that my next big project is going to be to tackle our garage. I really want to turn it into a functional, usable, happy space!! Here are some of my inspirations:

I definitely plan on including a crafting area...maybe something like this?

Stay tuned for some horrifically revealing before posts of the garage!! Do any of you have a cute organized garage? I'd love some ideas!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day #18 Keepsakes

We have a ten month old. I suddenly have a new need for keepsakes and less time to keep track of them! All of my mementos of us as a couple are actually creatively scrapbooked or repurposed into decor! The picture below is all ticket stubs and travel information laid into a monogram "M". I wish I could say I still had the energy to maintain that, but it just isn't my focus or the season in my life right now!

So here is my plan in the meantime. I first read about this idea HERE. I created this from a jar I already had (score!) and scrapbook letters. This time capsule will be a dumping ground for all keepsakes and mementos in 2011. On New Year's Eve we will go through it, reminisce, and then put it on the shelf. A new one will be made for 2012. I am sure my system will expand once there are art projects, school reports, and love notes to add!!

This post is being linked to A bowl full of lemons.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day #17 - Mail!

So this is a little out of order...but I got it done today so I wanted to post about it. I added a mail station to my linen closet. I put it together using supplies I had on hand already. I used a scrapbooking tool carryall as my outgoing mail supply corral (envelopes, pens, stamps, cards, labels, etc...) I had a file box out in the garage so I decided to use it here - I am not loving the yellow labels, but I had them so for now they are going to work! I apologize for the picture quality...
This is being linked to A bowl full of lemons.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day #14, Under the Bathroom Sink

And here we are again with WAY too much product!! I threw away some body wash from 6 years ago...I can't believe it!! Here is my hubby's sink before:


Mine before:

And after:
This post is being linked to A bowl full of lemons.

Day #13 Medicine Cabinet

Be prepared for PRODUCT overload in the next few posts...I can't believe how many products I had...anyone else feel the same way??

Here is my medicine cabinet BEFORE:
And here it is after some much needed purging. I also removed one of the shelves - now all of my taller products fit standing upright. A super simple change but I love it!!
This post is being linked to A bowl full of lemons.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Freezer and Spice Cabinet

This post will be quite unexciting - I apologize. The freezer I am still not thrilled with, but until we eat up some of the food, this is how it is going to look! And the spice cabinet is really a spice "shoe organizer". I love that it is clear so I can see everything at one time!! Whew, I am finally caught up - I promise there will be a more exciting post, and a more consistent posting schedule tomorrow!!

This post is being linked to A bowl full of lemons.

Laundry Room

So our laundry room had a start in the right direction...I don't have too many before pics to share with you for that reason.

Here is the only before I have...

Here is behind the door...don't worry the toxic Swiffer is only hanging there until trash day...

Here is our message center...LOVE!!

This is the new shelf I added, now my hangers are right where I need them...I am loving all the blue at Target right now!

And my favorite part! The green frame holds Real Simple Magazines illustrations and instructions on how to clean your laundry room in 15 minutes...

This post is being linked to A bowl full of lemons.