Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kitchen Spring Cleaning...Lots of Pictures!

This week is the Heart and Home Challenge over at Our Simple Country Life. Day 1's Assignment was the kitchen. I decided it was time to tackle two projects I had been putting off...under the oven and under the refrigerator!

Here is the oven drawer BEFORE...

And AFTER...

Under the oven BEFORE...(how did all that stuff get there...a shelf?!?!)

And AFTER...

Under the refrigerator...(well, all the stuff that came out from underneath...)

Kitchen sink BEFORE...

Kitchen sink AFTER...(the Crate and Barrel vase was my present to myself for finishing these projects! You can find it HERE)


AFTER...a well-stocked coffee station!



Here is my refrigerator...medicine is stored on top in Dollar Tree baskets, and a homemade dry erase board is below.

And on the side, a dry erase schedule board for my daughter (13 months.)

Here is my kitchen command center (has my homemaking binder, my recipe binder, meal planning supplies, post-its, and pens) along with my Scentsy warmer...right now my kitchen smells heavenly...LOVE it!



  1. Looks wonderful! Great job! What a neat idea to treat yourself for all your hard work! :0) Love it! Thanks for joining in the challenge.

    Much Love & Blessings,
    Our Simple Country Life

  2. Wow! Looks great well done :) I agree what a good idea it is to treat youself :)
