When organizing an event, there are lots of details! And to keep track of all of those details you are going to need a place to keep them - the ever-helpful binder!
For this project, I am using a 1 inch binder with 8 category tabs:
1.) Guest list and RSVP
This is fairly self-explanatory. I create a spreadsheet with guests, number in their family, date invitation sent, and RSVP.
2.) Station and Supply List
I like to organize my parties into stations. I create a list of all the stations and all the supplies I will need for each one. I try to be as detailed as possible with this list - include tables, chairs, linens, cutlery, paper goods, etc.
3.) Food and Recipes
Here is where I create food shopping lists broken down by store (usually Costco, grocery store, and specialty store). I print or copy and recipes I will use and place them here.
4.) Party Inspiration
This is wear I place magazine clippings or blog posts that have inspired any part of this event. It really helps to have them close by through the planning process.
5.) DIY Projects and Tutorials
Anything I will be making goes in this section. Instructions and pictures too please!
6.) Orders and Receipts
I keep a party budget tracker, order confirmations, and receipts in this section. If you are working with any vendors - make sure you place all contracts here as well.
7.) Decor
This is where I create a party layout. Knowing where things are going to be in advance is a great time saver and stress reliever the day of your event!
8.) Checklists and To-Dos
This is where I keep track of all tasks relating to the party. If your party is going to be somewhere other than your home, be sure to include a checklist of what needs to be transported to the event.
Depending on your event's size and theme you may need more or less tabs. This may seem like a detailed system but I promise it will be worth it!
Here are the colors for Molly's first birthday extravaganza!